Follow up post regarding what to do if your medical or religious exemption is denied
If your exemption is denied or you are not offered an exemption:
1. Ask what the steps are to appeal the decision. If no appeal has been stated or they say there are no exemptions, see step 2.
2. File a civil rights complaint at and include any and all documentation (ie. Their documented form requests, any communications, a copy of your form, etc.).
3. Contact your state legislators and the governor via email or phone call, AND log your violation with (These are being tracked and delivered to leadership at the Statehouse.)
4. Seek out an attorney for litigation. Check out for suggested legal counsel.
5. We are also gathering data in a coordinated effort with Stand for Health Freedom to assist the Civil Rights Commission and certain legislators through the following survey. Note: you DO NOT have to opt in to receive future messaging but if you want to stay informed of these fast-moving issues or relevant legislation, please opt in.
6. File a charge against your employer with the EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, at
7. To report a business who has discriminated against you or denied accommodating your exemption please report them to the Iowa Economic Development Authority at
Please reach out if you have any additional questions and please have patience with us if our response is delayed. We are a volunteer organization and are getting slammed with messages, questions, and inquiries every day.
Stay bold and stand strong! Make your voice heard because unless we take a stand together these mandates will not stop! Please search for the most recent Call TO Action to contact legislators and the governor.
