This week the Senate HHS and Technology Committee will meet to vote on bills.
Senate HHS Committee:
SF6- the Exemption notification bill is also eligible for debate in the Senate HHS committee as well as the bill removing minor consent ability for STD vaccines, SF120, and SF128, the bill adding information about the last vaccine a child received on the medical examiners review form. Please email the senate HHS committee stating your support for all three.
Subject line: Support SF6, SF120, SF128
Possible Talking Points (keep it brief to three or so succinct talking points or stories):
-Share your personal story regarding the exemption disclosing process at your school.
-Share your personal story if your child was vaccinated without your consent.
-transparency on the current exemptions in Iowa code is necessary for informed consent to occur, otherwise schools and childcare facilities are practicing medical coercion.
-this bill simply shares the entire law as it is written.
-parents have the ultimate authority to decide what is safe or necessary for their children’s health.
-If the state is going to require schools collect this information, then the schools and childcare facilities should also be disclosing the full law.
-These products all carry risks, therefore parents must be involved in the decision making process since they are the only ones who will have to deal with the ramifications of an injury.
-Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, parents are required to be given the Vaccine Information Statement as informed consent. Current state law is allowing minors to consent for vaccines that “prevent” sexually transmitted diseases without providing parental informed consent in violation of federal law.
The Senate Technology CTA:
SF143: the Health Data privacy bill that requires consent be obtained prior to a company or agency collecting, storing, or selling your private health data information passed subcommittee 3-0 last week and will move onto the full Technology committee this week. This bill is not overly burdensome to businesses, it just requires they ask for consent before gathering data outside of your protected health information that they may have access to. Currently insurers, government agencies, data companies, social media companies, apps, etc are all collecting data about you and selling it to those who want to use it for sales, profiling, insuring, etc. Please email the technology committee and express your support for this bill.
Subject line: Support SF143
Possible Talking Points:
-Several lawsuits have been filed on behalf of consumers who have had biometric data, geotracking data, and other personal information collected, used, and/or sold without their knowledge or consent.
-Iowans private health data is their personal property.
-Companies should have to obtain consent from Iowans prior to collecting, storing, or selling Iowans’ private health data.
-Health data is any data that is outside of Protected Health Information (medical records) such as: data from health apps, google, social media posts or interactions, video calls through various platforms, online shopping lists or delivery orders, biometric data, etc.
-This bill will only impact those currently gathering this data and no other additional regulation will be necessary. For those who are currently doing this, they just need to receive consent from the Iowans they are collecting it on.