House HHS Committee call to action:
House HHS Committee will meet and deliberate on passing these bills to the floor this coming week. Please email the HHS committee and ask them to support these bills that protect parental rights through informed consent and protect our students religious rights who are working towards their degrees in healthcare.
HF104- Removing the ability for a minor to consent to vaccines for Sexually transmitted diseases without parental consent.
HF35- Requiring schools help their students with exemptions find clinical rotations that will accept exemptions in order to complete their healthcare degree.
Subject line: support HF35, HF104
Possible Talking points (keep your email brief with a few talking points at most):
-Share your personal story with vaccine injury or your story dealing with doctors giving the HPV vaccine without your consent.
-If you have been denied an exemption as a healthcare student please tell the committee about your experience.
-parents have the ultimate authority to decide what is safe or necessary for their children’s health.
-These products all carry risks, therefore parents must be involved in the decision making process since they are the only ones who will have to deal with the ramifications of an injury.
-Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, parents are required to be given the Vaccine Information Statement as informed consent. Current state law is allowing minors to consent for vaccines that “prevent” sexually transmitted diseases without providing parental informed consent.
-passing hf35 will help increase the amount of people interested in pursuing healthcare careers, a sector of the workforce that is in short supply at the moment.
-both the covid and flu vaccine offer minimal personal protection with neither one demonstrating an ability to disrupt transmission according to a systemic review of the literature by the Cochrane Library. Healthcare students should have the right to exempt themselves from these vaccines.
-Most employers in the healthcare arena accept religious and medical exemptions and schools do as well, yet when it comes to clinical rotations policies are inconsistent and violating a student’s religious freedom and right to bodily autonomy.