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CDC "Recipe" For Increasing Vaccine Uptake


Many are feeling the pressure and fear in relation to not wanting to get a Covid vaccine.

This is what they want you to feel. The CDC literally has a “Recipe" for increasing vaccine uptake that was presented in 2015 for the flu vaccine.

Let's trade out the word influenza for Covid through these steps & see where we are:

1. Covid’s arrival coincides with immunization “season” (i.e., when people can take action)

2. Dominant strain and/or initial cases of disease are: a) Associated with severe illness and/or outcomes b) Occur among people for whom Covid is not generally perceived to cause serious complications (e.g., children, healthy adults, healthy seniors) [previously infected] c) In cities and communities with significant media outlets (e.g., daily newspapers, major TV stations)

3. Medical experts and public health authorities publicly (e.g., via media) state concern and alarm (and predict dire outcomes)– and urge Covid vaccination.

4. The combination of ‘2’ and ‘3’ result in: a) Significant media interest and attention b) Framing of the Covid season in terms that motivate behavior (e.g., as “very severe,” “more severe than last or past years,” “deadly”)

5. Continued reports (e.g., from health officials and media) that Covid is causing severe illness and/or affecting lots of people– helping foster the perception that many people are susceptible to a bad case of Covid.

6. Visible/tangible examples of the seriousness of the illness (e.g., pictures of children, families of those affected coming forward) and people getting vaccinated (the first to motivate, the latter to reinforce)

7. References to, and discussions, of pandemics- along with continued reference to the importance of vaccination.

STAY STRONG! They're aiming this right at you!

Implications of the recipe:

Fostering demand, particularly among people who don’t routinely receive an annual Covid vaccination, requires creating concern, anxiety, and worry. For example:

A perception or sense that many people are falling ill; A perception or sense that many people are experiencing bad illness; A perception or sense of vulnerability to contracting and experiencing

Stay strong!



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Informed Choice Iowa Freedom Network, a 501(c)(3) and Informed Choice Iowa, a 501(c)(4) are non-profit, true grassroots organizations consisting of Iowa citizens. We advocate for vaccine safety and informed consent, while strongly opposing all mandates. 

An Iowa with total medical freedom and informed consent. Mandates and coercion have no place in the private or public sector.


MISSION: Educational

Our mission is to provide comprehensively researched and cited information to both citizens and elected officials. We aim to empower Iowans in making informed medical decisions while advocating for policies that ensure every person retains the right to their own medical decision-making.

The information provided on this website is for informational/educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical or legal advice. Always consult a medical and/or legal professional for advice about what is right for you and your family.

Information found on this page and other pages of this website are for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Please consult a trusted medical professional to determine what is right for you and your family.

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