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look at our past articles we have posted and learn more about what we do and who we are.

Sep 27, 2021
Precautionary Principal
Data out of England shows the effects of the pandemic on overall health have taken a huge toll. There are multiple parts to this article...

Sep 27, 2021
Hold the Line
72 THOUSAND healthcare workers! Does the NY governor truly think it's a better option to bring in the National Guard, pay high rates for...

Sep 26, 2021
How did it get FDA Approval?
Normally when a vaccine (booster) gets approved for use, the President, FDA commissioner, CDC director, & the Surgeon General don't...

Sep 23, 2021
Medical Freedom is Essential
Can you imagine if you were forced to take chemo because there was a 0.2% chance you'd die of cancer or have long term effects from it?...

Sep 22, 2021
But what's in it though?
Why is there an ingredient blacked out that's listed on the FDA document used for approval for the BioNtech Comniraty vaccine?? (AKA the...

Sep 20, 2021
President Biden’s announcement that he will force employers to mandate vaccines prompted at least 21 governors – including Iowa’s own...

Sep 19, 2021
Power Back to the People
Iowans, now more than ever do we need to be getting involved on the local level. School board meetings and elections, library boards,...

Aug 29, 2021
Gov. Kim Reynolds, This Won't Sway Iowans
We are disappointed our governor is choosing to celebrate the “approval” of the Pfizer vaccine and spread false information regarding its...

Aug 28, 2021
Flu Shot AND Covid Shot TOGETHER?!?!
CDC says it's okay to get your Flu & Covid vaccines together. We are here to make sure you're aware there is no data to support this in...

Aug 27, 2021
Who is Writing Checks to Iowa's Leadership?
“Pfizer also has five lobbyists registered at the Iowa Capitol. Those lobbyists registered against three bills last legislative session:...

Aug 26, 2021
This is All We've Wanted...
For those who feel stuck with a Covid vaccine mandate either at work or college-- please know you have rights that are being violated....

Aug 24, 2021
What to do if your Exemption is Denied?
Follow up post regarding what to do if your medical or religious exemption is denied If your exemption is denied or you are not offered...

Aug 23, 2021
With "Approval" will come More Coercion
The day is upon us, the day of government bureaucracy granting their label of “approved” on a rushed, experimental drug with no long-term...

Aug 23, 2021
CALL TO ACTION: It is clear mandates will be spreading across various sectors of employment as we anticipated. We are now at a crossroads...

Aug 16, 2021
CDC "Recipe" For Increasing Vaccine Uptake
Many are feeling the pressure and fear in relation to not wanting to get a Covid vaccine. This is what they want you to feel. The CDC...

Aug 12, 2021
Manipulation from Government to Vaccinate
Is this why healthcare facilities are mandating their employees get vaccinated or resign (including remote workers with no patient...

Aug 11, 2021
Mask or Vaccinate? What does the science say?
Science does not support mandatory influenza vaccination or masking of healthcare personnel when it comes to the flu. Canada had a case...

Aug 9, 2021
California Mandates Healthcare Employees to get Covid Vaccine
California has mandated all healthcare employees get the Covid vaccine. They have also put into place that all visitors to Hospitals,...

Aug 8, 2021
Iowa Senate Leaders...WHERE ARE YOU?
And applause to the Senate Leaders that have taken a stand!
“It is no use saying, ‘We are doing our best.’ You have got to succeed in doing

Aug 7, 2021
Do those with real immunity from Covid need to be vaccinated?
The CDC is desperately trying to get those who have already had Covid to get vaccinated... so they did a "study" of those with prior...

Aug 6, 2021
Iowa HOUSE Leadership...
WHERE ARE YOU? “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times...
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