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Oct 31, 2021
Governors...Take Note
Way to go Montana!!! Montana continues to take MAJOR steps in protecting their constituents. From Governor Gianforte: “President Biden’s...

Oct 28, 2021
Full 8 hour FDA meeting here. Dr. Ruben speaks at 6:51:00 "It'S NoT eXpErImEnTaL" 🥴

Oct 27, 2021
Risk/Benefit for Kids
In the trial of 2250 kids 5-11 years, 1500 were given Pfizer's covid vaccine. It's important to decipher the language used here: Pfizer...

Oct 23, 2021
You will NOT come for my children!
Data for 12-17 year olds in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) as of this past week: ▶️21,921 total adverse events...

Oct 21, 2021
Be Informed
With anything, risk-benefit needs weighed. This should help in that decision.

Oct 15, 2021
Iowans Deserve Gold Standard Legislation
Although we don’t know what exactly is in the works based on Governor Reynolds remarks on the Simon Conway show… We DO KNOW, according to...

Oct 14, 2021
Governor Reynolds Defending Liberty?
We applaud the Governor Kim Reynolds office for making it known that they are looking into the issues of those being denied exemptions...

Oct 13, 2021
Healthcare Workers Standing Up + Speaking Out
A [fully vaccinated] doctor wrote a letter to the FDA & CDC about what appear to be severe Covid vaccine injuries she has personally...

Oct 12, 2021
Boosters, boosters, boosters!!!
Boosters for all coming soon! So many questions! When do the mandates end? Do they encompass all future boosters? Every 6 months? Every 8...

Oct 11, 2021
They're Coming for Our Children Next
It's crazy to think the United States is about to vote on approving the Pfizer vaccine for children 5 years old and up. Other countries...

Oct 10, 2021
VAERS REPORTS - Vaccine Injury is not Rare, Just Rarely Reported
October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month. Vaccine injury is not rare, just rarely reported. It is estimated that VAERS only captures...

Oct 8, 2021
Who is Fact-Checking Mainstream News?
Newsweek wrote an article on Tuesday’s rally at the Capitol. They reached out for our comment after publishing, and we obliged, but as of...

Oct 7, 2021
Exemptions are being Denied
Unfortunately we are hearing many Mercy exemptions were denied today in various locations. Please DO NOT COMPLY and DO NOT BACKDOWN!! You...

Oct 7, 2021
Vaccine Manufacturers not Investigating Deaths
"After ICAN’s attorneys followed up with the FDA regarding this response, the FDA again confirmed in an email that it did not provide any...

Oct 6, 2021
First, Do No Harm. Also, Do Not Discriminate.
Why is it okay to blatantly discriminate against organ transplant candidates when it comes to the Covid vaccines? The 2 dose series...

Oct 5, 2021
Oct. 5 Capitol Rally
Iowans, amazing job showing up at the Capitol!!! It’s very apparent our movement is growing and each and every day there’s more and more...

Oct 3, 2021
VAERS Reports - Vaccine Injury Awareness Month
In honor of it being Vaccine Injury Awareness Month, we’ll be sharing Iowa VAERS reports throughout October. No matter where you stand on...

Oct 1, 2021
This is Sad, Axne
Sadly, the intolerance and contempt displayed by Congresswoman Axne for those of us making informed health decisions or who hold strongly...

Oct 1, 2021
Civil Rights Complaints
ATTENTION‼️ Current Excuse: If a legislator tells you the current circumstances are not that big of a deal because only 2 civil rights...

Oct 1, 2021
October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month
Throughout the month we will be showcasing Iowa VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) reports. Head to to look...

Sep 28, 2021
Have you Contacted Speaker Grassley Yet?
Apparently, he isn’t hearing from enough people to think employer mandates, discrimination, or denial of service is an issue that needs...
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